Built on a rich history dating back to 1895, Irene Country Lodge, Autograph Collection® has kept its heritage evident in the original structures and architecture of the hotel as well as its grounds. True to our roots, we offer modern elegance in a farm environment.


Welcome To Irene Country Lodge, Autograph Collection®
An authentic farm experience – exactly like nothing else
Operating as a working farm since its inception, when urban growth escalated between 1975 and 1997, a need for a change in Irene Farm’s operations to incorporate a more ‘farm in the city’ model including the local community was identified.
Beef, pig and sheep operations were discontinued and in 1998 Irene Country Lodge was developed on the land that once housed the pig farming element of the property.
Various elements of architecture, structure and design were used to ensure the hotel represented the farm in the most authentic way and in keeping with the theme of respecting the property’s heritage, the Meadow Green Restaurant situated within the hotel, derived its name from the meadows that used to be where the hotel is now.
With various elements coming together to create an Autograph Collection® hotel, the vision of the original founders’ was bought to life in an authentic farm experience.
This experience has been incorporated within the hotel and the property as a whole using unique design elements found throughout. A perfect reflection of its locality, the hotel exudes a modern elegance in a farm environment. And finally a mark of craft was created which brings the hotel’s unique character to life and provides a point of distinction for our guests.
Camdeboo Day Spa was developed in the old barn building in 2009 and named in honour after the over 3 000 White Stinkwood trees that once populated the area with each treatment room boasting the name of a tree.
In 2011 Irene Country Lodge joined the African Pride group and was renamed to African Pride Irene Country Lodge. Retaining its values and heritage roots, the hotel thrived within the group and in 2018 became part of the premium Marriott Autograph Collection® group of hotels.